(Home generated sources ONLY.)
Improper disposal of used “sharps” (needles, syringes and lancets) can injure children, home health care providers, sanitation workers and pets. Now there is a safe solution! Bring your used sharps to one of the three Kern County Special Waste Facility locations for proper and convenient disposal. Free “Biohazard” rigid plastic sharps containers are available at the collection facilities for you to use at home.
How the program works:
The resident will deliver home generated sharps in a rigid “Biohazard” container to one of three Special Waste Facilities in Kern County or a one-day Household Hazardous Waste Collection Event.
The resident will be given a Free “Biohazard” sharps container, at The Special Waste Facility to take home (when supplies are available).
Once your “Biohazard” container is full, bring it to one of the Kern County Special Waste Facilities and exchange it for an empty one.
Sharps will NOT be accepted in:
Liquid detergent bottles
Bleach Bottles
Coffee cans
Glass containers
Milk jugs or soda bottles
Do not attempt to remove, bend, break or recap the needle. This program is available for HOME GENERATED SHARPS ONLY. Sharps are NOT accepted from BUSINESSES such as DOCTORS OFFICES or HOME HEALTH CARE COMPANIES.
For more information on the Sharps Program call (661) 862-8922 OR (800) 552-KERN, option 6. If you have additional questions, regarding correct disposal of home-generated medical waste, please call Kern County Environmental Health Services at (661) 862-8700.